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The Art of Letting Go


Yesterday I was reminded of what a tough job parents have and knowing when to hold our kids tight and knowing when to let them try new things. On the way back from visiting my brother in San Clemente we drove up the coast and stopped off at a beach that we use to spend a lot of time at when my husband and I were dating.  My parents had rented a gorgeous home along the coast in Laguna Beach years ago and when I came back from living in Japan I stayed with them for a couple months.  My husband and I have been good friends since high school and he was the person I called to pick me up from the airport when I came back home from Japan.  We were pretty much inseparable after he convinced me we would make a good couple (true story).




Visiting Woods Cove in Laguna Beach brought back wonderful memories of that time together and living with my mother and father. As we headed to the beach, which you have to walk down some steps to get to, a woman and her son were walking back up a little shook up.  She mumbled something about it being pretty rough down there.  After peering over the edge of the cliffs I understood what she meant – the current was pretty dang strong.  And as we walked down to get to the stairs I could see that we would have to make a run for it to get across to the dry sand since it was high tide.




I immediately started going in mommy overdrive and thinking there is no way we are going in those waves.  But as soon as our feet hit the sand my husband and daughter made a run for the water.  I was torn between acting like the crazy lady and tell them to come back in and letting her enjoy the waves with her dad.  They were definitely the strongest waves/current she has been in but she was having a blast.  I did ask my husband a couple times about it being too strong but he said “I got this” a couple times to reassure me.




It made me think about the balance we try to achieve as parents.  Between holding our kids tight or  letting them try new things.  Granted, if my husband wasn’t such a strong swimmer I would have definitely been the crazy mom screaming for them to get back in – but I refrained (at least for a few moments).  And there was a lifeguard on the beach ready to go at a moments notice.  Still! This poor moms heart took a beating!


As parents we are constantly hit with these situations but one of the most important lessons and attributes I want to instill in my daughter is a faith in herself and her abilities. She was having a blast with her dad and really had no fear.  Maybe it was because her dad was holding her hand the entire time, or maybe it was because she felt she could do it – or maybe it was a little of both.


Share an similar experience where you were torn between holding them tight or letting them try something new!



Melissa Northway, M.S. is a mom, founder of dandelion moms, and a children’s book author. Her award-winning book Penelope the Purple Pirate was inspired by her little tomboy. Penelope is a modern-day Pippi Longstocking who teaches girls and boys the importance of having fun while at the same time teaching them to be kind and respectful of others and their differences. Dandelion moms was created for moms to share their stories and to inspire and be inspired! You can reach Melissa at: and follow her @melissanorthway and @dandelionmoms. Check out her author web site at:, as she hands out loads of goodies from the treasure chest.


  • Nancy Barth

    Those were some pretty rough waves! I have a hard time letting kids loose in the ocean. Now it’s grandkids! I have to hold myself back from telling their parents how to be careful when they are at the ocean, or the county fair, or camping, or….

    • Melissa

      They sure were Nancy! I was basically panicking up on shore but knew that Lou was holding her hand (and up when the waves came). But it can be so tough knowing when to let them go try something new or holding them in tight! Thanks for the comment =)

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