Delicious Chicago-style Hot Dog Recipe
During my visit to Chicago this past May, I was determined to try out a couple restaurants famous for Chicago-style deep dish pizza and hot dogs. I had never had a traditional Chicago dog so I really didn’t have any expectations! I’ve always been a ketchup kind of girl so I was in for a nice treat. Let me say this is the only way to eat a hot dog now. We duplicated this delicious style hot dog at home and it was super easy. You can mix it up a bit. Like some people like to put lettuce or cucumber slices on the dog, but by no means do you want to offend any Chicagoan by putting ketchup on it. I read that the food vendors in Chicago won’t even offer ketchup as a condiment! They take this style of hot dog pretty serious don’t you think?!

I was curious to find out where the Chicago-style hotdog originated and who can be given credit to and it is pretty fascinating. A traditional Chicago-style hot dog, Chicago Dog, or Chicago Red Hot is an all-beef frankfurter on a poppy seed bun originating from the city of Chicago, Illinois. The hot dog is topped with yellow mustard, chopped white onions, bright green sweet pickle relish, a dill pickle spear, tomato slices or wedges, pickled sport peppers and a dash of celery salt. The complete assembly of a Chicago hot dog is said to be “dragged through the garden” due to the many toppings. You can steam, water-simmer or grill the hot dogs. This all depends on the vendor and your personal preference. I like them grilled over an electric grill. But I don’t think you can go wrong if you have a tasty hot dog.
Many sources attribute the distinctive collection of toppings on a Chicago-style wiener to historic Maxwell Street and the “Depression Sandwich” reportedly originated by Fluky’s in 1929. Today, the Chicago area has more hot dog restaurants than McDonald’s, Wendy’s, and Burger King restaurants combined. (Source: Wikipedia). Like I mentioned, Chicagoan’s take this hot dog business quite serious! Here is the recipe we like to try out. It is super easy to make but really delivers on flavor. Enjoy!
You will need:
Poppy seed or plain hot dog buns (put them on the grill to get them nice and warm).
Kosher hot dogs (we like to use Hebrew National Jumbo hot dogs).
sliced pickles
chopped white onion (we like to grill them while the hot dogs are cooking).
sliced tomatoes
celery salt
yellow mustard
Grill, steam or water-simmer your favorite brand of all-beef hot dogs. If you decide to grill them, put the chopped onions into tin foil, add a little olive oil, salt and pepper and close them up. Grill them as long as you do the hot dogs. They taste really delicious this way! Add on some sliced tomatoes, the onions, a dash or two of celery salt, your favorite yellow mustard and you are set. Just don’t forget to get some potato chips to go along with your meal. We forgot to pick some up at the store and sorely regretted it while having dinner last night! Enjoy!
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