Body Worlds: Pulse Exhibit Now Open at the California Science Center through February 2018!
Come experience the West Coast debut of inventor Dr. Gunther von Hagens’ BODY WORLDS: Pulse — a convergence of aesthetic anatomy, health and wellness. Take the family and experience this educational and fascinating exhibition! I’ve always felt that if one understood a bit more about how the body works and the impact certain lifestyle choices affect the body, they might make other choices. Dr. Gunther von Hagens’ BODY WORLDS: Pulse is a very educational exhibit that the whole family will enjoy. We’ve got 4 tickets to hand out to experience it firsthand so be sure to enter often!
This special exhibition presents the body in health and distress, its vulnerabilities and potential, and many of the challenges the human body faces as it navigates the 21stCentury. Through interactive multimedia, guests will learn about the wonders of the real human body, and marvel at its elegance and complexity.
More than 200 plastinated specimens — including whole bodies, body configurations, translucent slices, and organs – are curated and presented in galleries that feature the various systems of the body. The locomotive, nervous, respiratory, circulatory, digestive, and reproductive systems are revealed through Dr. von Hagen’s invention of Plastination, in ways previously familiar only to medical practitioners. Featured plastinates include an obese body slice, a smoker’s black lung and hardened arteries that show the impact of ill health. In contrast, dancers, sports figures, and a woman bearing life illustrate how bodies function when lifestyles support good health and well-being.
Discover what makes you move, what makes you tick, and what makes you unique in the largest BODY WORLDS exhibition in a decade.
Exhibit Visuals: -More than 200 plastinated specimens, including 23 full body specimens -Interactive displays like the “Anatomical Mirror”, that show visitors how vital organs are positioned in their own body. This would a great homeschooling trip to take with your middle or high school students.
General Information: BODY WORLDS: Pulse opened to the public May 20, 2017 and continues through February 20, 2018 at the California Science Center. This special exhibition charges admission.
Please visit www.californiasciencecenter.org for more detailed information and ticket prices.
If you are interested, here is the Parent Guide with more details to determine if you deem it appropriate to bring your kids. https://
Photo Credit: “Photo: © Institute for Plastination 2017”
Good News! The California Science Center is offering a giveaway of 4 passes to the exhibit to a lucky dandelion!