Parenting :: Creating Family Adventures
A year ahead for the family is all about taking on new adventures. If 2015 is any indication, they could be good, bad or just plain hysterical. Our family has taken a few adventures that have definitely created some lifelong memories. We tend to take day-adventures and one of our favorites that we laugh about all the time is the day we brought our big German Shepherd mix to the dog beach in Huntington. He was so excited he could barely contain himself! In fact, he thought it was a good idea to eat all the sand he could find, run in the water after every dog he came across, and decided that the rolling waves was a good place to go to the bathroom. We were screaming trying to get away from him as it was washing up on shore. Disgusting I know, but a memory that will forever be etched in all of our minds – for better or worse!
We also love to take little adventures to our local state and city parks. When my daughter was younger, we use to write notes saying it was from Tinkerbell with a lollipop inside the envelope. When we would walk to the park, my husband would slip it under a rock and exclaim “Look, Tinkerbell left you a note!” She thought that was about the coolest thing – a personal note from Tinkerbell! And a lolly on top of that?!
But adventures with the family could be ones you spend at home as well! One of my favorite times is on a Sunday night, laying on the sofa with my crew, watching an old-time classic Disney movie while enjoying some popcorn. These little moments are the things you will remember later on when the kids are away at school. You know those moments, when all is good with your world. Share with us a favorite family memory!
Some other fun and inexpensive family adventures include:
Feed some horses: Bring sugar cubes and carrots to your local horse stable and ask to feed the horses. We like to take a large bag of carrots and box of sugar cubes to The Irvine Regional Park to feed the horses that are used for riding lessons. The trainers are happy to let us feed them, but the horses go crazy when they see us walk up with their favorite treats!
Build a fort out of sticks. This is one of our favorite things to do especially after a storm since there are a ton of broken branches laying around the park. We usually create a path of flowers for the fairies who might stop by.
Put a tent up in your backyard. We did this one afternoon and my daughter brought out some books, her iPad, cushions and a blanket and hung out all morning. She loved it! Don’t forget to bring the kids some treats as well.
Go Bird Watching. We get decked out in our binoculars and walk around our neighborhood and local park to see what birds we can spy. A few months ago we came across a mother eagle and her adolescent. It flew right by us and I couldn’t believe how huge these birds are!
Image found on feenixx-gallery.
It might be fun to research your state’s bird and flower and see if you can find them on your next nature hike!
These are just some of our family’s favorite ways to spend time together. What are some adventures your family likes to do?
Come have some adventures with The Croods:
Netflix new show The Croods showcasing this adventurous family where every step out of the cave is a new adventure for The Croods. You can just imagine the types of situations this caveman family finds themselves in! Here are a few of our favorites. You can watch all of their pre-hysterical adventures now on Netflix.
Note: We are part of the Netflix Stream Team and provided promotional materials but all opinions are our own.